About Us
Dinkum Honey sprang to life in 2018, founded by Patrick Cordwell on the Cordwell family farm in Serpentine.
Starting out with a single colony and a helpful loan from Jax Cordwell (thanks Mum), the journey of building our small apiary into a business has been a rewarding adventure, and still is!
All of our honey products are raw, unpasteurized, unfiltered, and unheated, so the honey retains all its nutritional benefits. We collect, process and package everything ourselves to ensure that we can tell our customers exactly where and how their honey is produced.
The more we learn about bees and understand their importance to the environment and global food chains the more committed we are to succeeding in our venture. Thank you to everyone who buys and endorses our Dinkum Honey products and supports our business. And many thanks and appreciation to our local farming community and the families and friends who give us access to their properties allowing our bees to produce amazing honeys, wax and pollen seasonally. We couldn’t do this without you

Above: Ted and Jax Cordwell, Angel investors and beloved parents.